Reviews. Politics. Entertainment & Football.

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About RDI Unite
Your voice matters. Reviews. Politics, insight, entertainment & football.
Children's Books that are fun, educational and safe for kids, parents and teachers.
All people are equal.
Our acronym is our goal:
Our aim is to bring forth thoughtful, courteous, and humorous dialogue so Americans find more common ground together, especially when they disagree.
Thank you for checking out RDI Unite. And remember…your voice matters!
“KB” or “Coach KB”, is a 30-year veteran of coaching football at the high school, NCAA, and professional levels in northern California. He earned Coach of the Year honors in 1993, 1995 and 2007, and is the Co-creator of the innovative A-11 Offense in 2007.
He graduated from Piedmont HS (CA), and earned his Communications Degree from Cal State University-Chico in 1988.
KB's Bio: (
KB believes in positive, educational, innovative & informative leadership that helps unite people from all walks of life in pursuit of a common goal. He has presented inspirational and educational leadership philosophies to groups of all sizes in public and private settings nationwide.
KB has written two international football-themed suspense novels, “The Game Breaker” and “The Double Move.” And, his first non-fiction book is, “Fate Came Calling". He has co-authored several manuals on the A-11 Offense, and he's excited about his new series of Children’s Books featuring Thunder and Friends.
*If you would like to inquire about an interview request, a book writing proposal or having KB speak to your public or private business, school or group, please email KB at [email protected] and submit the necessary details for consideration.
Thank you very much for your time and encouragement, as we all work together to make America an even better place to live now, and into the future. Together we win!
Kurt Bryan